
Shopee - Software Engineer

Automatic email sender: Save 85% of time per month

Fake Receipt Detector: Save 50% of time for each receipt

Task assignment system: Save 40 minutes per day

Automatic email sender

Send email automatically to an agent every month (agent's monthly KPI from database). Supervisors no longer need to copy KPI from the database and send an email manually. The user can still adjust the details in the email through the GUI by this application

AES_UI AES_email_result

Fake Receipt Detector

Using the Cloud Vision API to detect the text on the receipt, combined with the experience of the specialist in reviewing the receipt, convert those experience into code, develop an application that can detect the risk of receipts.


Task assignment system

Develop a script deployed on Airflow that can automatically assign each agent's tasks at each time, following the complex logic of manual task assignments. (with Google Sheet API).

Skills I used: Python, Google Cloud Platform, Apache Airflow, Gitlab